Switching platform


  • Eric Tenaglia Abrantes Ribeiro
  • Eduardo Dias Ribeiro
  • Ana Helena Duarte Aguiar
  • Josélia da Silva Leite




Dental implants, Bone resorption, Dentistry


The general objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of using platform switching for orthodontic purposes. The methodology consisted of a literature review, where the process of searching, analyzing and describing a body of knowledge was carried out in order to obtain an answer to the question that problematized the research. It is stated that the use of platform switching has a promising and efficient sense for implant dentistry, since there will be a migration of the infiltrate of inflammatory cells towards the central region of the implant axis and away from the alveolar crest, in order to bring the limits of bone resorption. In clinical and radiographic research carried out to evaluate the biological effect of the switching platform, it was shown that bone resorption was 0.95 mm in implants with this type of platform, while the control group showed 1.67 mm of bone loss. The use of the switching platform can lead to certain advantages with regard to implant-supported rehabilitations, such as, for example, the decrease in bone resorption in the marginal crest.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, E. T. A., Ribeiro, E. D., Aguiar, A. H. D., & Leite, J. da S. (2024). Switching platform. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dentistry, 14(1), 11–7. https://doi.org/10.46875/jmd.v14i1.1043



Literature Review