Impact of malnutrition on the quality of life of institutionalized elderly in the municipality of Itabuna - BA


  • Rodolfo Paula Vieira
  • Caliana R. Lima



Aging, Elderly nutrition, Malnutrition


Aging, despite being a natural process, submits the organism to several anatomical and functional changes, with repercussions on the health and nutrition conditions of the elderly. The demand for long-stay institutions for the elderly (ILPI), given the demographic and social perspective, is increasing and representing a new housing alternative for these individuals. Institutionalization can bring countless consequences, both positive and negative, as reflections of adaptation to asylum life. The objective of this study is to analyze the prevalence of malnutrition in elderly residents of geriatric institutions in the city of Itabuna - BA, correlating psychological, cognitive and functional capacity deficiencies. This is a qualitative and quantitative study with a sample that should be composed with members of an ILPI of the municipality of Itabuna - BA, being composed of individuals of both sexes with age greater than or equal to 60 years, who accepted to participate in the study and under conditions of anthropometric evaluation. The partial sample consisted of 43 elderly people and the anthropometric data collected were: weight, height, BMI, circumference of the arm and calf, and dietary data were obtained through the Mini Nutrition Assessment (MAN) questionnaire. The characteristics of ILPI may contribute to the nutritional profile found. The achievement of statistical indicators of percentage of elderly people with institutionalized nutritional risk and analytical studies make it possible to carry out early interventions that favor an improvement in the quality of life of these individuals who present nutritional risks.


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How to Cite

Vieira, R. P., & Lima, C. R. (2021). Impact of malnutrition on the quality of life of institutionalized elderly in the municipality of Itabuna - BA. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dentistry, 10(2), 62–75.



Basic and Applied Researches