Orthodontic space closure treatment for congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisors: aesthetis self-satisfaction evaluation


  • Andrea Verónica Ron Toledo
  • Luís Gonzaga do Amaral Sobrinho
  • Emerson Flamarion da Cruz




Anodontia, Esthetics, dental, Orthodontics


The fundamental role of esthetics, specifically regarding teeth, forces the orthodontic treatments to be more stable and satisfactory. Not only regarding the functional point of view as the professional judges but also the personal satisfaction and the way that the patient perceives himself. Providing competent multidisciplinary treatments to the patients who suffer Agenesis of maxillary lateral incisors to achieve these goals is vital. The space closure treatment avoids prosthesis or implants rehabilitation and the treatment would be finalized even if the patient´s facial development is not complete yet. This alternative has allowed for very satisfactory esthetic results throughout the years. In Quito - Ecuador the data of 36 patients, who have experienced this particular agenesis and who underwent space closure treatment, was collected after concluding the treatments. The patients, 19 males and 17 females, teenagers and adults, carried out a self-assessment that included variables such as age, gender, level of esthetic satisfaction time lapse post-treatment, and if they had additional esthetic treatments done. The hypothesis test shows that 65% is very satisfied with the obtained results, 44% concluded their treatments more than 3 years ago, and 67% did not undergo any additional esthetic treatment. In conclusion, this treatment was highly satisfactory for this sample.


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How to Cite

Ron Toledo, A. V., Sobrinho, L. G. do A., & Cruz, E. F. da. (2021). Orthodontic space closure treatment for congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisors: aesthetis self-satisfaction evaluation. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dentistry, 10(2), 76–85. https://doi.org/10.46875/jmd.v10i2.264



Basic and Applied Researches