Comparative study of Portland cement properties with different opacifiers and MTA present in the market


  • Giomara Catherine Silva
  • Fábio Duarte da Costa Aznar
  • Adriana Rodrigues de Freitas Aznar



Dental cements, Radiography, dental, Endodontics


Objective it was to investigate what kind of MTA present in the Ecuadorian market and Portland cement with different additives is more radiopaque. A sample was filtered from 6 acrylic plates with equal dimensions (2.2 cm x 4.5 cm x 1 mm) to a radiographic film with six holes of 5mm diameter each, each cement was mixed according to the specifications of each manufacturer and placed in each of the holes: Proroot from Densply , MTA White from Angelus, Biodentine from Septodont, Portland cement without any additives, Portland cement with 20% barium sulfate and Portland cement with 20% of iodoform, the plates were processed using a Fona radiovisiograph and the radiographic density was determined with software. Portland with iodoform and Portland with barium sulfate were the ones with the highest radiopacity. Portland without additives was the one with the lowest radiopacity. Regarding commercial MTAs, Proroot presented the highest radiopacity and Biodentine the one with the lowest radiopacity. Radiopacity is a property that allows MTA to differentiate it from limiting structures in an X-ray, Proroot being the most radiopaque.


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How to Cite

Silva, G. C., Aznar, F. D. da C., & Aznar, A. R. de F. (2021). Comparative study of Portland cement properties with different opacifiers and MTA present in the market. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dentistry, 10(2), 86–90.



Basic and Applied Researches