Difference in root resorption after conventional orthodontic treatment versus clear aligners


  • Bárbara da Rosa
  • Weber Adriano Nogueira




Root resorption, Orthodontics, Orthodontic appliances


Root resorption is an undesirable sequel to orthodontic tooth movement, regardless of the type of device used, but it is present in the daily lives of orthodontists. There is still no consensus on which type of orthodontic device is less likely to cause this harm. The objective of this study was to investigate root resorption after orthodontic treatment with fixed appliance, which is still the most used and most common found today, and invisible aligners, which have been in great demand, especially for those who value aesthetics during the treatment. Evidences show several divergences between percentages of incidence of resorptions between the two types of appliance, not differentiating brand or model, but the final result is that the transparent appliance presents more resorption at the end of the treatment than the use of the fixed appliance.


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How to Cite

Rosa, B. da, & Nogueira, W. A. (2024). Difference in root resorption after conventional orthodontic treatment versus clear aligners. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dentistry, 13(2), 36–43. https://doi.org/10.46875/jmd.v13i2.910



Literature Review