Treatment of submental fat reduction with the use of deoxycholic acid: literature review


  • Karoline Morgana Lucena de Moraes
  • Nicole Vasconcelos de Moraes de Paiva
  • Jacy Leite Mattos
  • João Amaury Francês Brito



Deoxycholic acid, Lipolysis, Esthetics


One of the most prominent aesthetic procedures in the area of orofacial harmonization is the reduction of submental fat (chin and neck). A non-invasive treatment widely implemented in these cases is the ATX-101 (deoxycholic acid). Thus, the objective of this review is to address the use of ATX-101 in submental fat. On the grounds of this, a data collection was realized using the articles indexed in the scientific database PubMed which was carried out in the last five years on the topic. A total of 21 articles were selected that met the purpose of this review. It leads to the conclusion that the use of deoxycholic acid represents an innovative non-surgical method to treat unwanted fat from the submental area, but requires a broad knowledge of facial anatomy for application. The literature reported the following most common local adverse effects in drug use: edema, hematoma, pain, numbness, erythema, paraesthesia, and hardening of the region.


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How to Cite

Moraes, K. M. L. de, Paiva, N. V. de M. de, Mattos, J. L., & Brito, J. A. F. (2023). Treatment of submental fat reduction with the use of deoxycholic acid: literature review. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dentistry, 11(2), 58–66.



Literature Review